Teaching kids about intelligence or Hey kiddos, why are you so smart?
After talking to our kids on the first five subjects on leadership, freedom, justice, fairness, and prejudice in the 50+ philosophy topics for our growing kids, it will be interesting to explain them about intelligence. The three basic issues about intelligence that need to be addressed and cleared after your 30-minute discussion are 1. types of intelligence, 2. methods of thinking, and 3. attitudes of an intelligent person.
The key you need to remember for teaching this topic is number 9, which not only is the total number of above intelligence-related types, but also resonates itself many vibrant meanings. Talking about intelligence is very fun and often inspires our kids in performing actively their moral attitudes. I hope you enjoy and feel it easy now to talk philosophical stuff with your kids. Just with 30-minute interaction per week, you absolutely help them much to nurture their happiness and their courage to be.